Palette of Perspectives

Palette of Expression

Very special arts India: A Collaboration in inquiry

Very Special Arts India is a non-profit organization that was founded in 1986 that works with children and youth in India who are economically challenged and differently abled. Since its founding, VSAI has provided social, educational, and vocational rehabilitation programs in an effort to empower women, children, and youth who belong to these categories.

My Experience With VSAI

In my short time with working with VSA I held a an activity integrating 2 of my interests included design and marketing. With combining both of these interests I conducted a 2 our workshop with the students where I gave them a 30-minute interactive presentation on what is the relevance of social media marketing and the techniques used to produce content that is both engaging and promising. The students went through real life examples of videos and posts shared by companies such as Apple, Maggi and Nike and were also asked to identify characteristics of posts and advertisements. To my surprise none of these students had picked up commerce as a stream of study hence, a lot of these topics discussed were new to them. After the presentation students worked collaboratively in groups of 4 and were given 3 simple situations in which they had to design social media posts. Keeping in mind certain concepts from the presentation and using their designing skills, they used canvas to make these posts which can be seen bellow in the image section.

Situations Given To Students To Create A Post On:

  • Your Aunt is planning to open her own sadi shop women her age. Create a post that persuades different customers to come buy from her shop. 
  • Create a social media post to help spread more awareness of your local chai wallah who serves desi Adrak chai and pakodas.
  • Your mom is starting her own biryani restaurant. Create a post that promotes your mothers new  biryani dish with Indian flavours and spices


work done by students

the workshop

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